jasMics Foundation, Inc.

A bonafide tax exempt nonprofit charity that champions kids healthiness and learning needs as approved by the government statues of
Federal 501(c)(3) EIN 45-4756754 and State of Florida Solicitation/Exemption CH37761/DR-14.

Happy Fall Back To School Learning FUNdamentals!
with LOVE all

JasMicsFootBlueb. JasMicsFootPinkg.
This special Season for GIVING, your Compassion will HELP our Mission to prevent and cure health disorders in precious, fragile and delicate infant lives at birth as in above NICU picture!


We appreciate your interest in the JasMics Foundation, Inc (JMF) nonprofit worthy causes. JMF is organized exclusively for charitable, educational and outreach purposes to benefit individuals and families, especially infant's healthcare. JasMicsNICU. As inspired by the critical real life threatening ordeals of our survivor-advocate, the JMF core mission is to improve survival of precious, fragile and delicate infant lives through preventive and supportive programs to cure microcolon, adenoid hypertrophy and other potentially fatal and/or permanently disabling health disorders. JMF urgently needs funds to enable it's nonprofit charity business operations to achieve the mission free service programs by embarking on this grass-roots fundraising campaign.

Inspiration To All - Our charming survivor-advocate, Jasmine, is thriving with regular checkups of her vital life saving surgeries of the critical health disorders she endured that were preventable and detectable. She celebrated her birthday recently and is into the same habits of kids her age including having fun learning in school and also likes to sing and dance too. Those are abilities she can use to give hope, comfort, cheer and inspiration to infants and families enduring her earlier real life threatening ordeals:

  • Microcolon is a disorder in which intestinal contents are not passed into the colon during gestation in infants possibly caused by obstruction, etc. the condition is an abnormal development of a section of the colon and is potentially fatal after third day of birth. Also, if found early requires costly life saving surgery expense and devastating emotional drain as the baby clings to precious, fragile and delicate life in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU; incubator helping hand touch pictures). A visit to such facility is very moving for action to lessen pains of infants as in our mission imagining that such innocents should never endure any preventable ordeals and given the chance to imprint their feet in this world at least.
  • Adenoid hypertrophy or enlarged adenoids is the unusual growth of the adenoid tonsil. There is very little lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx of young babies; humans are born without substantial adenoids. The mat of lymphoid tissue called adenoids starts to get sizable during the first year of life. Just how big the adenoids become is quite variable between individual children. Eustachian tubes ventilate the middle ear. Very large adenoids will block air passage in both the nose and the ears. This obstruction of normal air ventilation can lead to snoring, sinusitis and otitis media. The adenoids in these cases provide a reservoir of pathogenic bacteria that cause ear infections and subsequent middle ear effusions (fluid). Nasopharynx lies right above the throat and although the larynx and vocal cords do not ordinarily become infected from adenoiditis, their mucosa does become irritated. The vocal cords are extremely sensitive to touch, and any fluid drops falling on them cause an irresistible urge to cough. Adenoiditis therefore is one of the causes of cough. Thus the child may have permanent disability to properly breath, hear, talk/sing, etc. Hence, surgical removal of the adenoids is required for normal life.

What We Need & What You Get - For such an amazing difference above to ensue kindly help make similar modern miracle possible by collaborating with us. Your tax deductible charity donation will go directly to benefit infant health needs since our services are delivered by a team of management volunteers to minimize operating cost aspects alongside reuse of materials as the fundraising solicitation campaign flyer amid stringent cost control. JMF has a tight $94,500 budget shortfall constraint with projected 14% annual growth target to $106,500. We have included estimated processing fee for our $110,000 adjusted goal to fund the vital community outreach programs. Again, please note your gift is tax deductible and enriches your experience with the joy of helping precious infants in need; time is of the essence for this fundraising campaign:

Prevention Program including education to promote awareness of the need for vital prenatal and postnatal healthcare with publications, fundraising solicitations and other operational costs:

  • Fundraising services including promotions and other expenses for pediatric visit and immunization, communication and educational publications printing, mailing, travel, parking, etc.
  • Professional services including legal and accounting, hire an executive director to manage operations, hire and train other staff as education event planner/fundraising coordinator and counselor/comforter as employees and/or contractors. Other personnel are volunteers who may receive reasonable business expense reimbursement only.
  • Facility expenses including rent, utilities, website and social media maintenance, logistics and transportation, etc.

Support Program including disbursement of any surplus funds to outreach patrons and partners after completing preventive program above:

  • Assistance to outreach patrons (infants and families) within limits including: basic needs provision, transportation, partial hospital bills payment, hotel accommodation and meal for family near hospital, travel, etc.
  • Assistance to outreach partners (community healthcare providers) within limits including: payments for operational costs not affordable by our patrons above.

Impact & Funds Management - Thus your charitable goodwill giving enhances the fundraising to enable our mission outreach preventive and supportive programs above. So, kindly give generously any amount as much as possible to fund our operations being supplemented by the founder's contributions in the interim. Again, please note that JMF is a tax exempt nonprofit charity organization approved by the IRS and FL, hence, your donation here to JMF worthy cause charity is tax deductible in the USA. JMF organization and financial management are governed strictly by the IRS 501(c)(3) regulations and the records are available at the IRS.gov/EO nonprofits search site alongside GuideStar.org too via clicking the logos below. Therefore, JMF complies with transparency required by the IRS, GuideStar and other nonprofit sanctioning entities.

Your Specific Benefits - Get impeccable rewarding values including direct tax deduction for your donation to our nonprofit charity approved by the IRS. Also, reach out your loving and caring hand here and touch and get the intangible joy and good satisfaction of helping in JMF worthy cause charity to save precious, fragile and delicate infant lives as the next generation to advance humanity. JasMicTouch. So, please give generously any amount as much as possible to fund our operations. As it's said often, no gift donation is too small and that's very true, especially for JMF worth cause charity. Kindly contribute through our charitable donation secure online link buttons below to the critical mission to help prevent and cure health disorders in precious, fragile and delicate infant lives! On behalf of JMF, we'd like to thank you for clicking any of the contribution partnership designations below since JMF is eligible to receive tax deductible charitable contributions to perform the worthy causes:

Official IRS Check
Exempt Organizations Select Check.

Official GuideStar Seal
This organization has earned the GuideStar Exchange Seal,
demonstrating its commitment to transparency.

Official PayPal Seal

... again, for caring!
to Both Programs

to Preventive Program

to Supportive Program

Also, you can mail in a check or money order donation to our address below:
JasMics Foundation, Inc (JMF) 1835 NE Miami Gardens Dr, Ste 292, Miami, FL 33179

We thank you very much for your kindness in sponsoring and championing the JMF worthy cause, and look forward to your partnership to achieve the mission. Make this a spectacular goodwill for infants in need!
Yours Truly, JMF Board (volunteers)
All rights reserved © 2014 JasMics Foundation, Inc™ policies and terms of use